Student-Led Prevention

ECHO Coalition understands the importance of involving our teens in the effort to prevent substance abuse. By supporting student-led prevention the youth of Williams County have an opportunity to become involved in planning and implementing substance use prevention efforts in our schools and the community.

Our youth councils are learning leadership skills, prevention messaging and are serving as role models for their peers. These teens have committed to staying drug-free and are doing their part to empower younger kids to make healthy choices as well. Their bright minds and unique perspectives are key to helping us understand the risk factors and pressures that today’s youth are dealing with when it comes to substance abuse.

Ohio Youth-Led Prevention

Ohio Youth-Led Prevention or OYLPN is a network of youth-led substance misuse prevention providers and youth across the state who are committed to the cornerstones of youth-led prevention, peer prevention, positive youth development, and community service.

The network provides needed support for students, schools, and parent organizations, and can connect you with other like-minded groups in addition to providing resources, training, and more.

More information on OYLPN can be found at

Youth Health Assessments

Williams County Youth Health Assessments Data and Trends

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How to Get Help